Does mealtime often get taken over by the nutrition villains (tons of calories, loads of saturated fat, and excess sodium)? Take back the dinner hour: We’ve created a week’s worth of great-tasting
READ MORECertainly water is important for keeping you healthy and hydrated. But it’s just one of many beverage choices offering health benefits. According to a report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science
READ MORECooking and packing up a quality healthy lunch is a good idea for so many reasons. Whether or not you’re trying to lose weight, bringing your own lunch to work keeps you in charge of the…
READ MOREThe power of a simple greeting is really amazing. Dropping your customers a line, through text message, email or traditional mail, is so easy to do and it costs you virtually nothing
READ MORENo single food can prevent cancer, but the right combination of foods may help make a difference. At mealtimes, strike a balance of at least two-thirds plant-based foods and no more than
READ MOREModerne zariadená jedáleň v objekte vysokej školy, zameraná na stravovanie študentov, pedagógov a verejnosť. Priestory ideálne na organizovanie študentských plesov, stužkových slávností, svadieb a osláv.
Ponúkame vývoz stravy pre firmy, denné menu, zabezpečovanie cateringov, organizovanie spoločenských podujatí, rodinných osláv, svadieb a pod. Súčasťou reštaurácie je raňajkové
centrum, zaujímavé prípravou jedál pred zrakom hosťa.
Party club Relax patrí do TOP 3 najnavštevovanejších diskoték na Slovensku.Hráme pre Vás celoročne 3-krát v týždni. Naša tradičná zostava DJ-ov sa zaručene postará o Vašu zábavu.
Všestranná prevádzka otvorená od pondelka do nedele. Vonkajšia terasa pre 40 osôb, kaviareň pre 30 osôb, pizzeria pre 25 osôb, klimatizovaná reštaurácia pre 50 osôb, pub pre 80 osôb.